Wednesday, April 25, 2012

NPR Poll: Are Your Friends Bombarding You With 'Food Porn'?

I sent a photo of my carrot cake to a friend on Saturday and received this text message back:
"ugh cake porn! that looks soooo good!!!"

I was unfamiliar with the term "cake porn," and was relatively unfamiliar with the word "food porn," until I found this article on NPR:

I don't spend a lot of time taking photos of my recipes; I do try to make them look a little bit pretty, but ultimately I think it's easier to make a recipe when you can see what it's supposed to look like. I wish I had the ability/time to take really artsy photos of my recipes, but that seems to be a waste of time to me when you can spend that time EATING!!


  1. I cannot believe you found that on NPR--of all places! I was laughin out loud!!
