Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rainy day bread making

What better to do during a hurricane than...make bread?? That's what I thought.
I was at home with my parents during Hurricane Irene, and I decided a few days beforehand that I really wanted to make bread (so that I wouldn't have to get any ingredients in the storm). It has been far too hot to bake anything for the past few months, and I have been itching to make more bread since I made challah! My mom has a recipe from one of her Armenian friends that she used to make when she was in her 20s. It calls for a rare spice that can be found at a market in Watertown, but I didn't plan far enough in advance to pick it up. We found online that cardamom was a good substitute, so I used that instead. This bread is even better than the challah I made a few months ago. It's moist but flaky and absolutely delicious. It also makes a TON - I made 2 large loaves, a medium sized loaf, and a small twist (I didn't have enough left for a braid). The recipe supposedly makes 5 loaves, but it varies based on how thick you make your braids, etc. The bread also freezes well, which makes the whole process worthwhile (though I would argue it is anyway)!
(I currently don't have the recipe on hand, but will gladly send it by request)

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